Breezy Loans ILoans

Personal Details


Job Details

Loan Details

Weekly Expenses and Income

Additional Info

Can you foresee any reason you won't be able to repay this loan?


Have you had 2 or more short-term loans in the last 90 days?


Have you defaulted on a loan repayment before?


Are you a centrelink recipient?


Have you already applied for Financial Hardship with another lender?


Are you currently paying back to Centrelink for money recieved in advance?


In the past 30 days, have you or anyone else on your behalf applied for or received any debt forgiveness, such as bankruptcy, debt agreement part IX or X?


Credit Score

Identity Check

Please upload any 3 of the following documents:

* Atleast 1 photo id is must.

  1. *   Birth Certificate
  2. *   Driving License (Front & Back)
  3. *   Passport
  4. *   Govt. issued photo id card
  1. *   Change of NameCertificate
  2. *   Australian visa
  3. *   Marriage Certificate
  4. *   Medicare card

Terms & Conditions and Consent

  •  I have reviewed the privacy policy,Credit Guide,Electronic Authorisation, and I understand and accept Terms & Conditions they set out.
  •  I consent to receive documents electronically from Breezy Loans Pty Ltd, Installment Loans, Credit Sense Australia Pty Ltd. , Min-IT lending system, Ezidebit Pty Ltd and our Lender Partner companies, who need to verify my details to process my loan application. I understand that paper versions of documents may no longer be given to me and I should regularly check my email account for documents sent to me. I may withdraw my consent at any time by contacting Breezy Loans Pty Ltd.
  •  I consent to Breezy Loans Pty Ltd and Installment Loans collecting, using, holding and disclosing my information in accordance with the acknowledgement & consent and I have read the and Privacy Policy.
  •  I declare that all the information I am providing with this application is true and accurate as per best of my knowledge. Nothing has been concealead and modified there in. I agree to Breezy Loans Pty Ltd's terms and conditions and privacy policy.

Please wait, your ID's are getting uploaded. The server is taking time because every file has a different size.

Your Consent For Identity Check
By accepting these terms and conditions you give consent for Breezy Loans Pty Ltd and Installment Loans to disclose your name, residential address and date of birth to a credit reporting agency and ask the credit reporting agency to provide an assessment of whether the personal information so provided matches (in whole or in part) personal information contained in a credit information file in the possession or control of the credit reporting agency to assist in verifying your identity for the purposes of the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Act 2006.The credit reporting agency may prepare and provide Breezy Loans Pty Ltd with such an assessment and may use your personal information including the names, residential addresses and dates of birth contained in credit information files of you and other individuals for the purposes of preparing such an assessment. If you disagree with having your identity verified by a credit reporting agency, please select another data source or contact Breezy Loans Pty Ltd so that we can discuss other options with you.